This is a Petrified #Waterfall.... 2 hours drive from Oaxaca- partly on a very bumpy dirt road! So peaceful and lovely countryside in #Mexico. The only other place in the world that has one of these is in Turkey. Recommended mode of transport - private driver so you can spend as much time as you like, swimming, hiking to the bottom, photos etc. All the tours don't allow enough time to do all of this. Discovered by Jo@WorldWideAdventurers at Hierve el Agua, Oaxaca, Mexico

This is a Petrified #Waterfall.... 2 hours drive from Oaxaca- partly on a very bumpy dirt road! So peaceful and lovely countryside in #Mexico. The only other place in the world that has one of these is in Turkey. Recommended mode of transport - private driver so you can spend as much time as you like, swimming, hiking to the bottom, photos etc. All the tours don't allow enough time to do all of this. Discovered by Jo@WorldWideAdventurers at Hierve el Agua, Oaxaca, Mexico

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