



Christmas festivities vary widely around the world and are widely a steaming crock of boring shit. Oh, Swedish girls wear a crown of candles the night before Chistmas? Please tell me more about this scintillating national cust-snzzzZZZZZZZZZ.

In the Peruvian Andes, folks know how to celebrate the season right. What they do is, they put on a colorful ski mask, dress up like Mad Max mountain bikers, tie a dead eagle to their heads, and get drunk and dance for about a week straight. Then, come Christmas morning, they all gather together in the middle of town and beat the baby bejesus out of each other. Now we're talking, right?

The festival is called Takanakuy, and it's equal parts sporting event, indigenous display of hypermasculine defiance in the face of all the lily-white metropolitan sissies in Lima, and makeshift judicial system. The province of Chumbivilcas, where Takanakuy takes place, has about three cops total and is a stomach-wrecking 10-hour drive through the mountains to the nearest courthouse. So if you've got a beef with a neighbor or someone's taken your girl or your sheep, you don't go crying about it to some judge. You bury it away until Christmas, then get yourself all beered up and exact some Andean justice with your fists and feet. Guys, girls, little kids, old drunk men in high-waisted pants; everybody in town fights at Takanakuy.

This year we decided to forego the annual family snooze fest and head into the mountains of Peru to test our mettle against some of the hardiest people from one of the harshest environments in the Americas. We hope you like it, since it broke our mothers' hearts.

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世の中がクリスマスムードに包まれる12月、アンデスの集落では過激な祭りが行なわれる。「タカナクイ」と呼ばれるこの祭りでは、なんと人々が殴り合うという。 クリスマスが近づくと、カラフルなマスクとカウボーイのような衣装に身を包んだ男たちが約1週間、ひたすら酒を飲んで踊り続け、そして迎えたクリスマスの朝にタイマン・ファイトを繰り広げる。 争いの解決、男らしさの誇示などなど、闘いの目的は様々だが、この地域ではタカナクイによって秩序を保ち、人々は不満や不安を解消している。 連続再生はコチラ: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5BqvsfzUKbw&feature=share&list=PLyheH-sHmeaPBkJeBhs9QpZEjQR-V9iRZ Christmas...

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PART 1 から連続再生はコチラ:

Christmas festivities vary widely around the world, and are widely a steaming crock of boring shit. Ooh, Swedish girls wear a crown of candles the night before Chistmas? Please tell me more about this scintillating national cust-snzzzZZZZZZZZZ.

In the Peruvian Andes, folks know how to celebrate the season right. What they do is, they put on a colorful ski-mask, dress up like Mad Max mountain bikers, tie a dead eagle to their heads, and get drunk and dance for about a week straight. Then, come Christmas morning, they all gather together in the middle of town and beat the baby bejesus out of each other. Now we're talking, right?

The festival is called Takanakuy and its equal parts sporting event, indigenous display of hypermasculine defiance in the face of all the lilywhite metropolitan sissies in Lima, and makeshift judicial system. The province of Chumbivilcas, where Takanakuy takes place, has about three cops total and is a stomach-wrecking 10-hour drive through the mountains to the nearest courthouse. So if you've got a beef with a neighbor or someone's taken your girl or sheep, you don't go crying about it to some judge. You bury it away until Christmas, then get yourself all beered up and exact some Andean justice with your fists and feet. Guys, girls, little kids, old drunk men in high-waisted pants; everybody in town fights at Takanakuy.

This year we decided to forego the annual family snoozefest and head into the mountains of Peru to test our mettle against the some of the hardiest people from one of the harshest environments in the Americas. We hope you like it, since it broke our mothers' hearts.

VICEチャンネル登録: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=VICEjpch
VICEビデオ・リスト: http://www.youtube.com/user/VICEjpch/videos
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Facebook: http://fb.com/vice
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Google+: https://plus.google.com/100639827441905861550/
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クリスマスの時期になるとアンデスでは血気盛んな男たちが本気で殴り合うケンカ祭り「タカナクイ」が行なわれる。 酔狂同士が殴り合うと聞けば盛り場にありがちな光景を想起させるが、タカナクイではどんな相手とどれだけ盛り上がっても最後はハグで終わり。それまでの争いや諍いは全て水に流さなければいけない。 と耳障りよく語ったところで、やはり「百聞は一見にしかず」。本編後半ではVICE特派員のトーマスが地元民と真剣バトルに挑む。 PART...

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