Brooklyn Bridge - 10 Amazing Facts - as part of the travel series by GeoBeats.

10 - It was the longest suspension bridge in the world when finished.

9 - Its designer, John Roebling, lost his foot and subsequently his life while supervising bridge's work.

8 - On first day of its opening in 1883, nearly 1800 vehicles and 150,000 people crossed the bridge.

7 - A week later, a rumor that the bridge is collapsing caused a stampede killing at least 12 people.

6 - In 1884, showman P. T. Barnum led 21 elephants on the bridge to prove its stability.

5 - Initially, it cost one penny in toll to cross the bridge on foot.

4 - A horse wagon cost 10 cents and a cow 5 cents to cross the bridge.

3 - In 1901, con man William McCloundy was arrested for selling the bridge to a tourist.

2 - The bridge has been showcased in movies like 'I am Legend', 'Enchanted' and 'Godzilla'.

1 - On Oct 1st, 2011, 700 Occupy Wall Street protesters were arrested on the bridge.

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