Batille Market in Paris, France.

Here we are in Paris. It is the most romantic city of the world. Everyday life can be sometimes be hard to find admidst the tourists and grand monuments. If you look for it you may find it in the most simple things. In this case we are talking about the Basille Market.

Here in Bastille square known as Place de La Bastille, this is the largest market in Paris, with almost too many choices. "It is a very diverse market. You can find every level of society. I think that it is a market that ought to be listed in foreign guidebooks."

Fruits, vegetables, meat, fish, cheese, it is all happening here. "Here you have some St. Nectaire (cheese). Its color is gray, more or less, that because of its time aging. It spent some time in a cellar, in the earth, flavored with a bit of hazelnut."

It is the roots, it does not smell bad, tastes like your [unclear]. It is big salt with [unclear] She is typical of the Antilles Cuisine. Papiton is a foie gra. Seventy per cent foie gra, thirty per cent petite gourdine. Just a little petite gourdine with foie gra in [unclear].

We can try an old wine. 1979. 1962. That is special. It is almost my year. "There is a certain village in Burgundy, it is called Trobene, a well known name in the United States. [Unclear] is proper there so [Unclear]. So you are drinking the real [unclear] with Cardone from Cardone. I am Sophie De Ratuld, showing you Paris. A bientot.

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