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How do airlines predict when a flight will arrive at its destination? GE and partner Alaska Airlines set out to refine those calculations by inviting the world's greatest unsung data crunchers to pore over data to make the predictions more precise through the Flight Quest challenge. Challenge co-winners Jonti Peters and Pawel Jankiewicz, an international team who dubbed themselves "As High As Honor," went to the Museum of Science and Industry in Manchester, UK, to explain how they harnessed the data to make the skies that much more predictable.

The Flight Quest challenge, launched in collaboration with the data science platform Kaggle as part of GE's Industrial Internet Challenges, asked aspiring data scientists to help airlines save money and passengers save valuable time by improving arrival predictions. It's one more way that GE works to take on the toughest challenges with the best technologies. The second phase of Flight Quest launches soon.

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GE Flight Quest: The Sky's Algorithms

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