Tiger, Lion, Hippo, Elephant and Cheetah Animal Dentist
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Performing root canal surgery on a six tonne elephant isn't for the faint-hearted. But for Dr. Gerhard Steenkamp, it is all in a days work. That's because he is one of the world's top vet dentists, operating on some of the wild's most ferocious predators, including lions, tigers, hippos elephants and cheetahs. From lions with toothache to rhino's with infected horns, Dr. Steenkamp has seen it all. His work has seen him travel to China, Egypt, UAE, and across Africa - performing around 500 surgeries a year.
Videographer / Director: Ruaridh Connellan
Producer: James Tegerdine
Editor: Joshua Douglas
For more amazing footage of the amazing side of life, visit the Barcroft Media website: http://bit.ly/19OYwp
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