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Rosh Hashanah, also known as the Jewish New Year, is the first of the Jewish High Holy Days that were listed in Leviticus. You laugh, you cry, and you're judged by God. Sounds fun right? It starts with a blast from the shofar which calls us to humble ourselves and recognize our need for God's grace. Next day gather at a nearby stream or river to symbolically cast away sin, this is called Tashlich (cast off). It is customary to greet one another by saying, "La shanah tova tikatevu," which means, "May your name be inscribed for a good year." The "inscribing" refers to the Book of Life, which according to Jewish tradition, closes ten days later. Jewish tradition includes rounded challah to represent the crown of God and the dipping of apples in honey to wish for a sweet and fruitful year. Rabbis and Cantors wear white to represent purity. And that is Rosh Hashanah in 60 seconds

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