The Passover Seder and holiday is a beautiful remembrance of the miracles G-d performed for us in Egypt and a warm and joyous time for families to get together and give thanks to G-d. But the central and most essential part of the holiday has been missing for two thousand years: the Passover offering itself. The very act of performing the offering is an act of defiant independence, a strike for freedom from the idolatries that lead us from our true purpose: making way for G-d in our world. Chag Pesach Kasher veSameach: A happy Passover to all!

The footage in this video was taken from the Temple Institute's special symposium about the Passover offering, which included a simulation of the Passover offering in the Holy Temple. It was not intended to be an actual offering, as the Passover offering must take place on the Temple Mount.

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