Ever wondered what the Aussie summer looked like 60 years ago? Film Archivist Richard Carter has created this mash-up of summer footage from the 1940s -1970s using only film, music and audio from the Screen Australia Library. Screen Australia is a major partner of YouTube Map My Summer. 2011.

That's how Australia was, now show us how summer is for you in 2011! www.youtube.com/mapmysummer

Features clips from over 40 film classics including:
Advance Australia (1951), After Cook (1969), Another Sunny Day in Western Australia (1961), At the Beach (1971), Australia Now (1965), Australia's Greatest River (1951), Australian Food Parade (1958), Australian Scene (1964), Australian Weekend (1960), Big Island (1970), Centennial Park (1979), Chase that Dream (1979), Christmas in Australia (1958), Clockwork Lemon (1979), Country Jazz (1971), Day at the Beach Junior Social Studies (1956), Dear Mum (1975), Five Bells (1978), From the Tropics to the Snow (1962), Gentle Strangers (1972), Growing Up: Weekend (1977), Life in Australia: Perth (1966), Life in Australia: Sydney (1966), Living with Disaster (1975), Mountain Domain (1975), Music Camp (1949), Norfolk (1963), North of the Centre (1960), Nullarbor Hideout (1955), Paper Run (1956), Play Safe (1948), Surf Beach (1965), The Australian Way (1969), The New Ipswich (1947), The Water Dwellers (1967), This Land Australia (1958), Three to Go: Judy (1969), Timber Town (1972), Turn the Soil (1948), Viewpoint on Brisbane (1975), Viewpoint on Sydney (1975), Way we Live (1959), Weekend Fishing (1966), Where are we Heading? (1971).

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