£12.99 Skye & the Western Isles is a fully revised new edition of the only comprehensive guide to Scotland's Western Isles, which include Skye, Lewis, Harris, Uist, Iona, Jura, Islay and Arran. These enchanting islands reward the visitor with a rich variety of terrain and wildlife from the stark beauty of the Cuillin mountains of Skye to the raging seas off the Butt of Lewis or the palm trees of Arran. Skye & the Western Isles gives information on how to get the best out of a trip to the islands with descriptions of the best walks and climbs, castles and blackhouses, the history and culture, the liveliest music and folk festivals and ceilidhs and the finest food and drink, as well as full advice on how to get there by boat or air. Skye & the Western Isles explains how you can locate the cave where Robert the Bruce watched his spider, discover if you are related to a Hebridean family, and take a flight to Barra that lands on the beach. The Western Isles are a haven for nature lovers: you can spot otters, seals, whales, dolphins, porpoises and basking sharks; discover Lapland marsh orchids, Norwegian sandwort, sundew, bog asphodel, and purple saxifrage; or find a bird reserve on North Uist renowned for rare corncrakes. Those of an active disposition can fish for trout and giant skate or climb a Munro on Mull where your compass needle points south, while those with more indulgent interests can tour seven different whisky distilleries on Islay or sample heather ale on Skye brewed from an old Pictish recipe. Excellent information on practicalities -Which Caravan. A useful guide -Caravan Magazine Product Details Seller: Speedy Hen Ltd Author: Penrith, Deborah Publisher: Crimson Publishing Publication Date: 29/07/2011

Skye & the Western Isles is a fully revised new edition of the only comprehensive guide to Scotland's Western Isles, which include Skye, Lewis, Harris, Uist, Iona, Jura, Islay and Arran. These enchanting islands reward the visitor with a rich variety of terrain and wildlife from the stark beauty of the Cuillin mountains of Skye to the raging seas off the Butt of Lewis or the palm trees of Arran. Skye & the Western Isles gives information on how to get the best out of a trip to the islands with descriptions of the best walks and climbs, castles and blackhouses, the history and culture, the liveliest music and folk festivals and ceilidhs and the finest food and drink, as well as full advice on how to get there by boat or air. Skye & the Western Isles explains how you can locate the cave where Robert the Bruce watched his spider, discover if you are related to a Hebridean family, and take a flight to Barra that lands on the beach. The Western Isles are a haven for nature lovers: you can spot otters, seals, whales, dolphins, porpoises and basking sharks; discover Lapland marsh orchids, Norwegian sandwort, sundew, bog asphodel, and purple saxifrage; or find a bird reserve on North Uist renowned for rare corncrakes. Those of an active disposition can fish for trout and giant skate or climb a Munro on Mull where your compass needle points south, while those with more indulgent interests can tour seven different whisky distilleries on Islay or sample heather ale on Skye brewed from an old Pictish recipe. Excellent information on practicalities -Which Caravan. A useful guide -Caravan Magazine Product Details Seller: Speedy Hen Ltd Author: Penrith, Deborah Publisher: Crimson Publishing Publication Date: 29/07/2011

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