$ 6 Extreme business traveler Malcolm Teasdale details the case for relocating to Asia for several months and the challenges encountered while residing in the region trying to establish some credibility with the various cultures. Some repeat business trips to Asia enduring the long haul flights from North America are also documented. Jet lag, strange food, hygiene, massage parlors, traffic congestion, local drinking establishments, eccentric locals, all played a part in making the visits to Asia extraordinary. The stories in this book focus on the ASEAN (Association of South East Asian Nations) countries with the exception of India and include places such as Phuket, Hanoi, Kota Kinabalu, Delhi, Phnom Penh, Jakarta and Singapore.

Extreme business traveler Malcolm Teasdale details the case for relocating to Asia for several months and the challenges encountered while residing in the region trying to establish some credibility with the various cultures. Some repeat business trips to Asia enduring the long haul flights from North America are also documented. Jet lag, strange food, hygiene, massage parlors, traffic congestion, local drinking establishments, eccentric locals, all played a part in making the visits to Asia extraordinary. The stories in this book focus on the ASEAN (Association of South East Asian Nations) countries with the exception of India and include places such as Phuket, Hanoi, Kota Kinabalu, Delhi, Phnom Penh, Jakarta and Singapore.

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