$ 46 A Perfect Combination of Humor and Information for Travelers of all TypesIf you are one of the nearly eight hundred million passengers who struggle to remain sane in the insane world of air travel each year, this book is for you. Jeff Michaels offers his off-kilter observations on everything from earplugs and SkyMall shopping to air marshals and overbooked flights, along with practical tips on how to improve the flying experience, such as Secrets to scoring the lowest possible airfare Moves for getting through security in five minutes or less-every time Clever and entertaining techniques for wasting time in airports A five-minute program for overcoming the fear of flying Suggestions for handling Chronic Seat Kickers (CSKs) of all ages Tear-out forms for surviving an overnight stay in the airport With humor and sincerity, Michaels takes you from the ground to the air and back again, offering well-researched, surprising, and unusual air travel trivia, such as why it's virtually impossible for the wings to fall off an airplane, what you should really do in the event of a water landing, why you get sick when you fly (clue: it's not the recycled air doing you in), and what's really going on in that cockpit. Perfectly suited for the frequent flyer (and even the not-so-frequent), this book will keep you smiling no matter how bumpy the flight, how tasteless the food, or how long the delay.

A Perfect Combination of Humor and Information for Travelers of all TypesIf you are one of the nearly eight hundred million passengers who struggle to remain sane in the insane world of air travel each year, this book is for you. Jeff Michaels offers his off-kilter observations on everything from earplugs and SkyMall shopping to air marshals and overbooked flights, along with practical tips on how to improve the flying experience, such as Secrets to scoring the lowest possible airfare Moves for getting through security in five minutes or less-every time Clever and entertaining techniques for wasting time in airports A five-minute program for overcoming the fear of flying Suggestions for handling Chronic Seat Kickers (CSKs) of all ages Tear-out forms for surviving an overnight stay in the airport With humor and sincerity, Michaels takes you from the ground to the air and back again, offering well-researched, surprising, and unusual air travel trivia, such as why it's virtually impossible for the wings to fall off an airplane, what you should really do in the event of a water landing, why you get sick when you fly (clue: it's not the recycled air doing you in), and what's really going on in that cockpit. Perfectly suited for the frequent flyer (and even the not-so-frequent), this book will keep you smiling no matter how bumpy the flight, how tasteless the food, or how long the delay.

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