$ 7 A drug-fueled trip through the gruesome levels of Hell may sound like a fictional horror story to some, and since the traveler in question wasmovie distributor Stephen Biro, it could just as easily have been one of his film projects. But Stephen's experiences were the real, life-changing sort. They're also proof that the Lorddoes work in mysterious ways - extending all theway to squares of LSD and nitrous oxide cartridges. Armed with psychedelics, hallucinogenics and a brave desire to meet God no matter the personal cost, Stephen pushed beyond the boundaries ofsafe drug use. He took the most nightmarish of trips from a cramped one-bedroom apartment that he used for running his underground videobusiness. With initial difficulty finding God in his altered state, Stephen instead encountered depravity and grotesquery enough to make his soul weep, but he pushed on. And if that wasn't bad enough, his Hellish experiences bled over into his waking days, and his friends andacquaintances began identifying themselves to him as Antichrists, deities and other assorted beings from "the other side." Reality wasblurring and shifting, and Stephen was run utterly ragged. Could he fulfill his quest to learn universal truths before his extreme drug use took its toll Hellucination: A Memoir spares no disturbing detail of the unusual route that one man took to find Christ and the God of the Bible. The memoir also follows younger Stephen through his 1970schildhood and his bizarre early encounters with religion that drove him to Atheism.

A drug-fueled trip through the gruesome levels of Hell may sound like a fictional horror story to some, and since the traveler in question wasmovie distributor Stephen Biro, it could just as easily have been one of his film projects. But Stephen's experiences were the real, life-changing sort. They're also proof that the Lorddoes work in mysterious ways - extending all theway to squares of LSD and nitrous oxide cartridges. Armed with psychedelics, hallucinogenics and a brave desire to meet God no matter the personal cost, Stephen pushed beyond the boundaries ofsafe drug use. He took the most nightmarish of trips from a cramped one-bedroom apartment that he used for running his underground videobusiness. With initial difficulty finding God in his altered state, Stephen instead encountered depravity and grotesquery enough to make his soul weep, but he pushed on. And if that wasn't bad enough, his Hellish experiences bled over into his waking days, and his friends andacquaintances began identifying themselves to him as Antichrists, deities and other assorted beings from "the other side." Reality wasblurring and shifting, and Stephen was run utterly ragged. Could he fulfill his quest to learn universal truths before his extreme drug use took its toll Hellucination: A Memoir spares no disturbing detail of the unusual route that one man took to find Christ and the God of the Bible. The memoir also follows younger Stephen through his 1970schildhood and his bizarre early encounters with religion that drove him to Atheism.

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