$ 4 ABOUT HILDA Born in 1959 at Costa Rica, grew up at a Ranch helping mom cooking for a family of ten and five others that use to help Dad in the field to seed and sold veggies and fruits. Also animals, milk and cheese, from fourteen to eighteen years of age helped at a small cafeteria that one of her sisters and parents won partnership. During vacations she enjoys visiting the family and cook for big events like theirs weddings or Birthdays. Loves exercise, ride horses, walk around the rivers, enjoy the fresh air, sing in the choir at church, and cook at home to stock in the freezer. ACERCA DE HILDA Naci en 1959 en Costa Rica, creci en el Rancho, ayudando a cocinar para una familia de dies ms cinco yudantes que su papa contrataba para que ayudaran a sembrar, recoger y vender vegetales, fruta, animales, etc. De la edad de 14 a 18 aos ayud al manejo de una cafetera de donde sus paps y una hermana eran miembros.

ABOUT HILDA Born in 1959 at Costa Rica, grew up at a Ranch helping mom cooking for a family of ten and five others that use to help Dad in the field to seed and sold veggies and fruits. Also animals, milk and cheese, from fourteen to eighteen years of age helped at a small cafeteria that one of her sisters and parents won partnership. During vacations she enjoys visiting the family and cook for big events like theirs weddings or Birthdays. Loves exercise, ride horses, walk around the rivers, enjoy the fresh air, sing in the choir at church, and cook at home to stock in the freezer. ACERCA DE HILDA Naci en 1959 en Costa Rica, creci en el Rancho, ayudando a cocinar para una familia de dies ms cinco yudantes que su papa contrataba para que ayudaran a sembrar, recoger y vender vegetales, fruta, animales, etc. De la edad de 14 a 18 aos ayud al manejo de una cafetera de donde sus paps y una hermana eran miembros.

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