£90.00 You will enjoy: Manual therapy Katrine Cakuls provides refined, gentle yet effective hands-on treatment that works to restore movement to areas throughout the body that are blocked due to physical and/or emotional strains. Release of tension allows the bodys muscles, joints, organs and nervous system to work optimally. The result is comfortable free movement and good health, achieved naturally. Complaints treated include: Musculoskeletal problems - spinal and limb joint pains, scoliosis, headaches, jaw pain Organ related complaints - constipation, bladder irritability, gastric reflux, breathing difficulties including asthma and bronchitis, sinusitis, tinnitus Nervous system complaints - anxiety, insomnia, attention difficulties, shock Women's health issues - vaginal pain, menstrual cramping, infertility, pain during pregnancy Infant and children's issues - colic, sleeplessness, feeding difficulties, flat head syndrome, torticollis, difficulties with mobility including crawling, walking, scoliosis Scar integration - manual treatment to free the mechanical impact of scars resulting from procedures such as caesarian sections, appendectomies, hip replacements, hernia repair, mastectomies, face lifts and dental work including implants, root canals. What to expect: During the one hour session, a thorough medical history is taken, followed by physical examination and hands-on treatment Appointments are scheduled based on the needs of the individual. Initially the patient may be seen weekly for 1-3 visits. Time in between sessions is necessary to allow the body to integrate the work. As a patient's health improves, the frequency of treatment decreases The goal of treatment is to allow the body to naturally heal and regulate itself, so that intervention is not necessary

You will enjoy: Manual therapy Katrine Cakuls provides refined, gentle yet effective hands-on treatment that works to restore movement to areas throughout the body that are blocked due to physical and/or emotional strains. Release of tension allows the bodys muscles, joints, organs and nervous system to work optimally. The result is comfortable free movement and good health, achieved naturally. Complaints treated include: Musculoskeletal problems - spinal and limb joint pains, scoliosis, headaches, jaw pain Organ related complaints - constipation, bladder irritability, gastric reflux, breathing difficulties including asthma and bronchitis, sinusitis, tinnitus Nervous system complaints - anxiety, insomnia, attention difficulties, shock Women's health issues - vaginal pain, menstrual cramping, infertility, pain during pregnancy Infant and children's issues - colic, sleeplessness, feeding difficulties, flat head syndrome, torticollis, difficulties with mobility including crawling, walking, scoliosis Scar integration - manual treatment to free the mechanical impact of scars resulting from procedures such as caesarian sections, appendectomies, hip replacements, hernia repair, mastectomies, face lifts and dental work including implants, root canals. What to expect: During the one hour session, a thorough medical history is taken, followed by physical examination and hands-on treatment Appointments are scheduled based on the needs of the individual. Initially the patient may be seen weekly for 1-3 visits. Time in between sessions is necessary to allow the body to integrate the work. As a patient's health improves, the frequency of treatment decreases The goal of treatment is to allow the body to naturally heal and regulate itself, so that intervention is not necessary

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