Most youngsters have to deal with excess oil production that will result in blocking skin pores and acne and scars. When the skin become age, you will have to deal with wrinkles, dark spots etc. Ayurveda suggests taking care of your skin type based on your doshas.
Vata skin
Skin concerns: Excessive dryness, dull looks, scaling, increased aging
Skin care tip:  for vata type, Ayurveda suggests moisturizing hers that have warm rejuvenating qualities which will act as cleanser and aging repair cream.
Pitta skin
Skin issues: redness, sensitivity, sun protection
Skin care tips:  Ayurveda suggests soothing and cooling hers for pitta skin types.
Kapha skin
Issues: oily skin, unwanted shine
Tips:  Ayurveda suggests light, deep cleansing herbs.For more details visit our site:

Most youngsters have to deal with excess oil production that will result in blocking skin pores and acne and scars. When the skin become age, you will have to deal with wrinkles, dark spots etc. Ayurveda suggests taking care of your skin type based on your doshas.
Vata skin
Skin concerns: Excessive dryness, dull looks, scaling, increased aging
Skin care tip: for vata type, Ayurveda suggests moisturizing hers that have warm rejuvenating qualities which will act as cleanser and aging repair cream.
Pitta skin
Skin issues: redness, sensitivity, sun protection
Skin care tips: Ayurveda suggests soothing and cooling hers for pitta skin types.
Kapha skin
Issues: oily skin, unwanted shine
Tips: Ayurveda suggests light, deep cleansing herbs.For more details visit our site:

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